3D text effect
This tutorial will show you how to create some awesome 3D text in Photoshop CS5 Note: This will only work in CS5! Sorry š Subscribe to feed
This tutorial will show you how to create some awesome 3D text in Photoshop CS5 Note: This will only work in CS5! Sorry š Subscribe to feed
Admin Tools is a Joomla! extension bundle which strives to enhance your site’s security, make common administration tasks easier and even allow you to update your core Joomla! installation with a single click. This category contains the downloads for both Adminā¦
Akeeba Backup is our award-winning full site backup component for Joomla! sites. Inside its releases you will find Akeeba Backup Core (the free version) and Akeeba Backup Professional (the subscription-based version with extra features), as well as documentation in PDFā¦
Google is piloting the display of author information in search results to help users discover great content. By using this tutorial you will be able to display your Google + profile avatar in Google search results. It’s estimated that using this tool will increase yourā¦
Here’s are great tutorial for those of you who are interested learning how to build Web applications with out previous experience. It’s an inspirational article by Adam Pasha who is the creator of mixtape.me using ruby on rails. Click onā¦
Cloudflare overview CloudFlare protects and accelerates any website online. Once your website is a part of the CloudFlare community, its web traffic is routed through our intelligent global network. It’s automatically optimizes the delivery of your web pages so yourā¦
Learn to code interactively, for free with codecademy. Check out the Tracks, Tracks are series of courses grouped to help you master a topic or language. Use the link below to access free interactive courses. Code Cademy Subscribe to feed
Free Javascript and DHTML effects! All the scripts have been updated to work fully with XHTML/XML web-pages as well as HTML. Scripts which have been updated include the logo on the page so that you can identify them. More recently, asā¦
Free hosting isn’t really recommended for production websites but you can always use it to test your Joomla sites on. Sign up and get absolutely free and without ads up to: 2 GB disk space for your website PHP5 | 8x FTP | 8xā¦
In this tutorial we go over a short presentation on what PHP is, what is required to learn it and what we will be covering further down the line. This video will hopefully introduce you to the PHP scripting languageā¦