Taner Temel

Taner Temel

Personal profiling

Have you ever wondered how you always seem to get adverts related to the search’s that you recentley made through popular search engines? Bellow are two search engines thet don’t collect or share any of your personally identifiable information with…

Try Git Free Course

Learn how to use Git by reviewing the basic concepts of Git version control. Try out this introductory course by Code School that was created with GitHub Link Here! Subscribe to feed


Unlocking Knowledge MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity. View a list of our most visited courses MiT Subscribe to…

Portable Ubuntu Extended (Windows App)

I generally use a windows based machine but lately have been enjoying using Ubuntu a flavor of Linux operating system, having used windows for a number of years  I’ve built up a collection of software that I use which isn’t available on Ubuntu…